Tuning the engine with a colortune plug

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How to use a Colortune plug Mixture adjusting screw Carburador Colortune spark plug HT adapter Cable de alta tensión Cylinder head

How to use a Colortune plug

The Colortune spark plug is screwed into the engine in place of the normal plug. By viewing the colour of the burning fuel/air mixture, you can tell whether the mixture is too rich, too lean or correct.

You can then adjust the mixture by tuning the mixture adjusting screw on the carburettor until the flame is the correct dark blue colour.

Although some experienced mechanics can tune a car's carburettor fairly well by ear, to do the job really accurately you need the help of special equipment.

While most garages use an exhaust emission meter (also called a CO meter), a cheap alternative is to buy a special see-through spark plug such as the Gunson Colortune plug.

Colour changes

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