Fitting a towing socket

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Supplementary towing socket kit

Supplementary towing socket kit

This Ring Automotive supplementary towing socket kit is typical of those you can buy in an accessory shop.

This kit includes: A 12S socket Socket sealing grommet C Mounting bracket .7-core wiring Electrical connectors F Socket bolts The combination relay (G) for charging an auxiliary battery can be bought separately.

A caravan or trailer must, by law, be fitted with certain warning lights. These are wired up to a standard plug socket called a 12N socket which provides a 12 volt supply to power the indicators, stop lights, tail-lights, number-plate illumination and fog lights.

While the 12N socket is adequate for operating the obligatory lights, you may want to run power from the car for other, non-essential accessories such as reversing lights. A caravan without its own battery may also need extra power for interior lights, a refrigerator or a water pump. For this you need an extra towing socket.


Photo of Juan

Traducido por Juan Pita

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